Industry Canada, An Anti-Spam Action Plan for Canada (May 2004) (full-text).
The anti-spam action plan components described in this document reflect the input from consultations and discussions with stakeholders on spam which the government commenced in September 2002. Those consultations led to the development of a six point Action Plan that combines initiatives by government, business and also by consumers, at both the domestic and international levels. The six points are"
- Use of existing laws and regulations
- Review of current legislative, regulatory and enforcement measures
- Network management practices, and industry codes
- Systems to validate legitimate commercial communications
- Consumer education and awareness
- Supporting global anti-spam initiatives
The Special Task Force on Spam, created on May 11, 2004, by the Minister of Industry was given the task of overseeing the implementation of the Action Plan. It was given one year to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Action Plan. After that period, the Task Force was to report on progress made and propose any new actions that might be required, including legislative initiatives.