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Kristin M. Lord & Travis Sharp, America's Cyber Future: Security and Prosperity in the Information Age (Center for a New American Security) (June 2011) (full-text).


To help American policymakers lead national and international efforts to address cyber insecurity, this report offers detailed recommendations:

  1. Adopt a comprehensive strategy for a safe and secure cyberspace.
  2. Forge an international agenda for cyber security.
  3. Establish U.S. declaratory policy on cyber security.
  4. Raise costs for cyber attackers.
  5. Prepare for the future of the Internet.
  6. Build the institutional capacity necessary to coordinate U.S. government responsibilities for cyberspace.
  7. Enhance oversight of U.S. government cyber security Activities.
  8. Protect the nation's most critical infrastructure.
  9. Harness the private sector's innovative power for cyber security.