The Air Force created the Air Force Network Operations Center (AFNOC) to provide command and control across the U.S. Air Force Global Information Grid (AF GIG). AFNOC is the Air Force’s top network management tier. This top-tier organization provides senior leaders the network enterprise view across the Air Force. One of its primary roles is to manage base-level service delivery point network routers to produce global visibility of the Air Force’s enterprise network and critical applications.
The AFNOC monitors and responds to anomalies in communications and information networks, systems, and applications in coordination with the Defense Information Systems Agency, MAJCOMs, and the commercial sector. The AFNOC also operates in concert with the AFCERT to provide strong computer network defense capability to Air Force networks. Lastly the AFNOC manages or oversees enterprise help desks to provide flexible and scaleable levels of service to NOSCs and bases 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- U.S. Air Force, Information Operations 43 (Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5) (Jan. 4, 2002) (full-text).