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The IT Law Wiki


Blogs and websites[]

Aggregation is

[g]athering and remixing content from blogs and other Web sites that provide RSS feeds; typically displayed in an aggregator like Bloglines or Google Reader, or directly on your desktop using software (often also called a newsreader. Beneficial for breaking news. CNN and OASD/PA have effective tools like this."[1]


Data aggregation is

the process of gathering and combining data from different sources, so that the combined data reveals new information.[2]
the collection and reassembly of pieces of information (or parts of several databases) to provide details that differ from the original purpose of the information or databases. Additionally, it may include the use of data contained in a database, but sorted differently than originally envisioned.[3]
[when] [d]ata is displayed as totals, so no data relating to or identifying any individual is shown. Small numbers in totals are often suppressed through 'blurring' or by being omitted altogether.[4]

Information security[]

Aggregation refers to

[a] circumstance in which a collection of information items is required to be classified at a higher security level than any of the items is classified individually.[5]

IP addresses[]

Aggregation is

the distribution of public Internet addresses in a hierarchical manner, to permit the grouping of routing information and limit the number of routing entries advertised in the Internet. Aggregation is one of the main goals of Internet administration.[6]


Aggregation is


One example of aggregation is a service that gathers online account information from numerous websites and presents that information in a consolidated format. Aggregation of personal information is often used for the purposes of making comparisons or identifying patterns.

Variants on data aggregation include:

"These are relatively low risk techniques because it will generally be difficult to find anything out about a particular individual by using aggregated data. This data cannot support individual-level research but can be sufficient to analyse social trends on a regional basis, for example."[7]


  1. Larry Clavette, et al., "New Media and the Air Force," Glossary 1 (U.S. Air Force 2009) (full-text).
  2. NICCS, Explore Terms: A Glossary of Common Cybersecurity Terminology (full-text).
  3. NSTISSAM INFOSEC 1-99, at 7.
  4. Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk, Code of Practice, App. 2, at 52.
  5. Internet Security Glossary 15 (RFC 4949) (Ver. 2) (Aug. 2007).
  6. OECD, "Internet Address Space: Economic Considerations in the Management of IPv4 and the Deployment of IPv6," at 51 (June 17-18 2008).
  7. Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk, Code of Practice, App. 2, at 52-53.

See also[]