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The IT Law Wiki


Federal Trade Commission[]

Advertisement is

any written or verbal statement, illustration, or depiction, whether in English or any other language, that is designed to effect a sale or create interest in the purchasing of goods or services, whether it appears on or in a label, package, package insert, radio, television, cable television, brochure, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, leaflet, circular, mailer, book insert, free standing insert, letter, catalogue, poster, chart, billboard, public transit card, point of purchase display, film, slide, audio program transmitted over a telephone system, telemarketing script, on hold script, upsell script, training materials provided to telemarketing firms, program-length commercial ("infomercial"), the Internet, email, or any other medium.[1]

U.S. telecommunications law[]

Advertisement means

any message or other programming material which is broadcast or otherwise transmitted in exchange for any remuneration, and which is intended — (1) to promote any service, facility, or product offered by any person who is engaged in such offering for profit; (2) to express the views of any person with respect to any matter of public importance or interest; or (3) to support or oppose any candidate for political office.”[2]


  1. Order to File Special Report, at 14.
  2. 47 U.S.C. §399b(a).

See also[]