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American Bar Association, Task Force on Electronic Commerce and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Addressing Disputes in Electronic Commerce (2002) (full-text).


In September 2000, five different Sections of the ABA, including Business Law, Dispute Resolution, Litigation, International and Intellectual Property, jointly created a Task Force and Advisory Committee on E-commerce and ADR (“Task Force”) to propose protocols, workable guidelines and standards that can be implemented by parties to online transactions and by ODR providers. The Task Force was asked to focus specifically on “the challenges raised by multijurisdictional business-to-business (“B2B”) and business-to-consumer (“B2C”) transactions.” In addition, in March 2001 the Committee on the Law of Cyberspace (“CLC”) of the ABA’s Section of Business Law established an Online ADR Task Force (“CLC Task Force”) to provide advice and assistance to this joint Task Force. This report is in response to those proposals.