Information Policy Advisory Council, A National Policy Framework for Structural Adjustment Within the New Commonwealth of Information (The IPAC Report) (Aug. 1997) (not available online).
The IPAC Report suggested that the role of Government should be as an information and content asset owner. In the IPAC model, the Government would lay off Commonwealth IP rights to private sector firms willing to assume the risks of commercialisation, and would not attempt to commercialise Commonwealth in-house content and systems ‐ either by offering them to the private sector for commercialisation or by attempting in its own right to commercialise in-house content and systems in competition with the private sector.
In seeking to create a Government exemplar in its role as asset owner, service provider and user, the report said the Government should develop policies for active information resource management. This includes the implementation of IP policies to facilitate exploitation of Government information and content assets by Australian-based private sector firms, as a driver for industry development.
- Commonwealth IT IP Guidelines, at 10.