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National E9-1-1 Implementation Coordination Office, A National Plan for Migrating to IP-Enabled 9-1-1 Systems (Sept. 2009) (full-text).


This document addresses the ten requirements specified in the NET 911 Improvement Act and provides additional information to identify and analyze 9-1-1 system migration issues and assess potential options to resolve them. It draws heavily from the U.S. Department of Transportation NG9-1-1 Initiative work and findings. This plan serves as a roadmap for implementing policy decisions; it is not a “deployment plan” with prescribed design, timeline and budget requirements, but rather is an attempt to identify and analyze 9-1-1 system migration issues and assess potential options to resolve them consistent with the requirements of the NET 911 Improvement Act. Consistent with available resources, more work is needed to complete a more detailed, comprehensive plan.