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General Accounting Office, A Guide for Acquiring Systems Integration Services (full-text).


The General Services Administration (GSA) is issuing this guide to assist Federal agencies in acquiring systems integration services (SIS). Because an SIS acquisition frequently represents a total solution to an information need, it usually includes many types of FIP resources. The Guide, written for readers unfamiliar with the Federal SIS acquisition process, is not a complete reference work or a regulation and, as such, directs the reader to other sources for detailed information and guidance.

This Guide includes all phases of the acquisition life-cycle (from the first consideration of SIS as a solution to an agency's information need to contract closeout) and the entire range of FIP resources that could be acquired under an SIS acquisition. While this Guide does not describe every activity at every step of the acquisition process, it does provide an overview of these steps and the key success factors for completing them and the overall acquisition successfully.