U.S. Army, Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology (AR 25-1) (Dec. 4, 2008) (full-text).
This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for information management and information technology. It applies to information technology contained in both business systems and national security systems (except as noted) developed for or purchased by the Department of the Army. It addresses the management of information as an Army resource, the technology supporting information requirements, the resources supporting information technology, and Army Knowledge Management as a means to achieve a knowledge-based force.
This regulation implements 40 U.S.C., Subtitle III ; 44 U.S.C., Chs. 35 and 36; 10 U.S.C. §§2223 and 3014; and DoD Directive 8000.01. It establishes the Army's Chief Information Officer. The full scope of Chief Information Officer responsibilities and management processes are delineated throughout this regulation. These management processes involve strategic planning, capital planning, business process analysis and improvement, assessment of proposed systems, information resource management (to include investment strategy), performance measurements, acquisition, and training.